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About Us

   We are a group of moms who met over the summer of 2021 and decided we wanted to do something a little different with our kids during the school year. Something low-cost, volunteer-based, and able to fulfill the social and educational needs for our families. Eventually, the idea of RAISE Family Co-op came to life.


   Our Co-op is not faith-based; therefore, no statement of faith is necessary to join. We are elective-focused and offer classes you probably don't already teach your kiddos on your own at home. Finally, our main goal is to build diverse relationships with one another while offering our kids a safe, fun, and educational environment to do the same.


   If this all sounds like a great fit for you and your family, head over to our Membership page to learn more!


The Benefits of
Community Learning

While the decision to homeschool is, in itself, chock full of benefits - learning in community with others offers even more!

Provides fresh, affordable option for electives

Electives can include:


LEGO Engineering

Arts and Crafts




Builds a sense of community

It's no secret that having a place that feels like home, a group where you "belong," and the ability to converse with other folks on the same life - path as you adds a feeling of fulfillment like no other.

Gets people active & improves physical, mental, and emotional health

When we commit to meeting once a week with people from various backgrounds coming together for a common goal, we challenge ourselves in these areas and choose growth. 

Educates about subjects outside of your wheelhouse

Maybe you've never picked up a paintbrush or a gaming controller in your life - but for some reason, that's your kid's thing - a diverse, family Co-op gives your child the opportunity to learn things that are beyond your expertise and interests.

Get Involved!

Members of RAISE Family CO-OP work together to make this thing "go." Every mom must commit to either teaching or helping with classes. (This isn't a drop-off service.) Everyone has something they can offer, and we believe that each helping hand is just as valuable as any other.


RAISE is designed to foster relationships first and foremost.

One of the best ways to foster relationships is to break off into smaller groups / teams and get to know each other a little better. This is exactly what we hope to give our kiddos as they break off into their smaller classes.


We break the school year up into two major semesters; it is during these semesters that the various classes / groups / teams thrive in their smaller spaces and get to truly know one another and help one another to grow educationally and relationally.




As more families sign up, our current class offerings list will continue to grow! Check back for updates

LEGO Engineering

Game Hour

Line Dancing

Learning Pod

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RAISE Family Co-op was created by a group of mamas post - 2020 who wanted something a little bit different than the regular tutorials and available Co-ops.


Something more inclusive; something more elective-focused; something more social.


RAISE Family Co-op is the product of that unique idea.

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